Yoko Ono concert
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqx6PBuSAjY] I just came across a business card on my desk with a link to a website called www.youtellconcerts.com. On October 10, 2010 I attended a Yoko Ono concert at the historic Orpheum theatre in downtown Los Angeles and afterwards was interviewed for this impromptu person-on-the-street review. Above is a link to the youtube interview and I appear 3 minutes in. Here’s a link to the actual youtellconcerts review page. http://youtellconcerts.com/?p=1270
Yoko’s son, Sean Lennon, had put together a wonderful band called We Are Plastic Ono Band. They were joined by an amazing array of guest artists from the actress Carrie Fisher who did a powerful feminist anthem to Iggy Pop who is as strange and wonderful as when I used to go see him in high school. The guy’s old but has the most buff, tan body and the energy of a hyperactive kindergartener. The concert was more performance art, spiritual event than rock concert. The first half included a historical film montage of Yoko’s life (baby pictures and all) and Yoko performing her own songs which were characterized by her difficult to listen to voice (I love her but I gotta be honest here). The second half was also all her songs but performed by the guest artists. That’s when it really hit home what a good songwriter she is. Each song had its own unique message and style from showtune to lullaby to call for peace anthem. My favorite part though was the participatory Onochord performance art piece. On our way into the theater we had been given a little flashlight. Towards the end of the show we saw a film of Yoko performing this flashlight piece around the world. She flashes the light in a pattern that says I love you. Yoko stood on the stage in the dark all alone and sent her message of love out to us and the world beyond and we flashed her back. It was so touching. The message was not just one of love but also one of forgiveness. You can find more info about Onochord at her website. http://imaginepeace.com/projects/onochord. She’s is quite an amazing artist with a powerful legacy of feminist performance art.
Finally, I bought a souvenir tshirt with an image of Yoko and her big sparkly glasses. Same image as the poster below. When I wore the tshirt to school the next day my students asked if it was a picture of me. That took me by surprise but I have to admit that with my vintage French frames we do look similar!