Panel Discussion on Feminist Performance Art in the 1980s
Wed. March 13 at 7 pm I will be in conversation with feminist performance art colleagues Suzanne Lacy, Leslie Labowitz-Starus, and Martha Wilson, and moderated by Dr. Alexandra Juhasz. Sponsored by Pitzer Art Galleries it takes place at the 18th Street Arts Center – 1638 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA. The panel is in conjunction with the exhibition “Martha Wilson” at the Pitzer College Art Galleries. The title of our panel is “We’ll Think of a Title When We Meet AKA LA London Lab.” That was actually the title of a performance series that took place in the 1980s at Franklin Furnace in NY (which was founded by Martha Wilson). The series was a gathering of feminist performance artists from Los Angeles and London. I did a solo performance called “Broken Shoes” as well as a collaborative performance with Feminist Art Workers called “Heartbeats.” Wednesday’s discussion should be interesting. I hope to see you there. –Cheri Gaulke